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     At Temple University, the public relations baccalaureate program requires students to complete a senior capstone project. The capstone is composed of theoretical knowledge, research skills, interpersonal/ group skills, writing skills, and creative problem-solving abilities.

     My class was assigned the Bucks County Opportunity Council (BCOC), as our client. BCOC is a non-profit organization located in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Our client's goal for us was to reintroduce poverty, increase visibility with donors and volunteers, and their overall visibility, 

   To complete this project, there were a few obstacles across the way.  Halfway through the semester, our initial professor left the university.  Quickly a new professor was assigned to our class and all previous work was eradicated. A week after the arrival of our new professor, our course switched to remote learning due to the novel COVID-19 pandemic.

     Remote learning shifted project expectations once again. We were able to compose our project in less than 6 weeks. Maintaining constant communication with both my group and professor, was the key to the project’s success. I am grateful for the three women who worked so hard to deliver a strong communication plan. Also, thankful for a professor who went above and beyond in scheduling extra meetings and giving solid feedback.

     On May 5, 2020, my group and I presented to the client, "Build Back Bucks", where the campaign focused on how to build back the Bucks community after the COVID-19 pandemic. 


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